How Should Leggings Fit?

Leggings are supremely comfortable and versatile. Investing in high-quality ones that fit you perfectly is extremely important. You get the benefit of being able to wear them in different types of situations without looking like you didn’t seem to make an effort on your outfit at all. That said, muffin tops or loose fabric should be the least of your concerns. So, how should leggings fit?

How Should Leggings Fit

Leggings are regularly worn by many women, both to the gym and in social settings. That makes it so important you choose a pair that properly fits your body. Your leggings should fit and support your body in a way that doesn’t create extra bulges, give you a muffin top, or leave marks on your skin with its seams. 

Should You Size up or Down in Leggings?

As a general rule of thumb, you should choose leggings that are somewhat tight on your buttocks, thighs, and calves. They must feel like a second skin to you to ensure you are comfortable in them throughout the day when you’re wearing them.

They shouldn’t be too loose. That could be a sign the leggings are ill-fitting or are just low-quality to begin with.

a girl standing wearing fit leggings

Should Workout Leggings Be Tight?

Generally, workout leggings or compression pants are tight-fitting. They are not too tight that they constrict your blood circulation and range of movements. 

Whether you are an athlete or just wearing your leggings to the gym, it is important to check if your leggings are in your size. You want it to give your body full coverage, make you feel comfortable, and still feel like a second skin.

How to Know if Leggings Fit

Generally, you know that your leggings are too big for you if there is sagginess of the fabric around your knees and crotch area. Most Lululemon leggings, for example, are made of compression panels that make your leggings tight-fitting. When you use it, it molds into your body, especially your waist. 

There should also be no extra fabric that sags, therefore, creating a loose look on your thighs or leg part.

Factors to Consider if Your Leggings is Too Tight or Loose

Keep these things in mind when buying your next leggings. Make sure your leggings do fit to your body size and shape.

  • Muffin tops
  • Sheerness
  • Fabric
  • Fit on crotch
  • Looseness on knees
  • Marks after wearing
  • Molding to your form

Muffin Tops

You need to always consider the tightness of your leggings in the belly area. If the leggings are too tight for you just above the waistband, it may have the tendency to create muffin tops. These are the bulges of skin or body fat that form awkwardly on your tummy area if your pants, or in this case, leggings, are too snug.

Leggings are made for all different body sizes, including plus size options. Make sure to spend a few minutes looking for the right type of legging for your body.

a girl stretching her back wearing a fit gray leggings


When fitting leggings, make sure to check if it’s too sheer for the likes of you. Some leggings made with poor quality fabric tend to be sheer when worn, washed, or stretched out too much. So, even before buying the leggings, you can avoid wasting money by considering this first.

You may check this by bending over completely to see how the leggings work when stretched over your backside. This shopping technique also shows how comfortable it will be for you if it’s not too tight.


Speaking of fabric, don’t forget to include this on the things you will check about the leggings you’re planning to buy.

If you intend to use your leggings more for workout, running, or yoga sessions, it is highly recommended you buy workout leggings that are made with compression fabrics. 

Brands like Lululemon produce leggings with this feature. This type of compression fabric is tight enough and is woven to help with your blood circulation as you do high-intensity activities such as cardio, running, or kickboxing.

If not, you can always settle with a regular fabric. Make sure it’s high-quality. The best fit usually goes with leggings made of cotton and a stretchy fiber like nylon or spandex.

a girl standing wearing fit leggings

Fit on the Crotch

If the leggings get too loose on the crotch area, find another pair in a smaller size. Baggy crotch means the pair is usually too big or ill-fitting for your body type.

Looseness on Knees

Another clear sign that your leggings do not fit you perfectly is if it looks baggy on your knees. If this is so, find one that is a size or two smaller. You want to avoid chaffing in this part.

Marks after Wearing

When you try on a new pair of leggings, it is safe to say that it may leave some marks on your skin. But, as time goes by and you still realize that the leggings are consistently leaving deep reddish marks on your skin, it may be a sign that the leggings are too tight or have gotten tighter for you.

Make sure to consider so that you won’t end up feeling constricted when you are wearing it. Plus, super tight clothing can also block the right circulation in your body so it’s better to be wary of this.

Molding to Your Form

A good pair of high-quality leggings are usually compared with a great pair of blue jeans. It is important to know that your leggings might be tight for you initially. But, just like some jeans, they are supposed to mold to your body’s form. This is why investing in high-quality is always recommended.

Signs of Fitting Leggings

SignsFitting leggings should
Sign 1Not create extra bulges
Sign 2Not give you a muffin top
Sign 3Not leave seam marks on the skin
Sign 4 Be tight on the thighs and buttocks
Sign 5Feel like a second skin
Sign 6Not too loose
Sign 7Give you full-body coverage
Sign 8Feel comfortable
10 Things to Check Before Buying Leggings/ What no one told you about PERFECT LEGGINGS

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I Hem the Leggings if They Are Too Loose?

Yes, you can hem the leggings to make them tighter if they are too loose. Simply fold the edge of the fabric under, twice or once, depending on how much you want to reduce the size, and then sew it to create a new, polished hem.

You can also secure the new hem by hand stitching, zigzag stitching using a sewing machine, or cover stitching using a cover stitch machine.

Can Fitting Leggings Become Oversized Over Time?

Yes, fitting leggings can become oversized over time due to weight loss or the elasticity of the fabric loosening over time.

In most cases, this depends on the fabric materials and how you care for leggings. Fortunately, if the leggings are made with higher percentages of spandex or lycra, you can shrink them by washing them in hot water.

What Can Happen If I Wear Too Tight Leggings?

Wearing excessively tight leggings can pressure your stomach and intestines, resulting in acid reflux and heartburn. A tight waistband can put excessive pressure on your skin and cause redness, chafing, and irritation.

The leggings might also squeeze enough to limit blood circulation and cause blood pooling in the legs. Usually, this results in varicose veins, swelling, and achiness.


It is still highly recommended that you get a pair of leggings that are made of compression fabric. These usually have the best quality and fitting. 

However, they commonly come at more expensive prices. If you are looking for tips on how your leggings should fit, consider the factors above that are necessary for comfort on your part.

Generally, make sure that the leggings fit you nicely, won’t slip down as you’re wearing them, and don’t constrict you and your movement.